3 Ways Real Estate Marketing Fills Rental Vacancies Quickly

As a manager of multi-unit properties, you know how important it is to reduce your percentage of vacancies, attract new residents, and get openings filled quickly. And while some of us are lucky enough to have properties with 6 to 12 month long waiting lists most of us do not and need ways of increasing visibility, generating excitement and signing new lease agreements.
We explore several of the most effective ways that you can market your property and fill vacancies fast.
Window Graphics
By utilizing bright and bold graphics on road frontage windows and banners, you will instantly generate a large number of impressions. This marketing tactic will generate a large ROI by spreading community awareness of what’s to come or your existing on-site property. Prospective occupants will be compelled to take a look and their curiosity will inspire them to visit and tour the property. Catch the eye of prospects, start conversations and generate referrals. Great properties for this type of application are apartment complexes, hotels and multi-unit buildings while under development.
These graphics can include leasing information, amenities, contact information, special promotions and even branded visuals that promote luxury, community or fun experiences.
Direct Mail for Real Estate Marketing
There are many options when it comes to using direct mail as a tool for promoting your property and filling vacancies. Creativity and clarity are key to ensuring that your property stands out when potential tenants open their mailbox. Making that postcard or brochure unique will get their attention but including clear message points will get them to take action.
Focusing on an event such as an open house, a promotion, a referral bonus, a move in bonus, amenities or messages that present urgency and limited availability all work well.
Targeting specific age and income demographics as well as tenants who are currently renting at another property are good ways of segmenting your audience to ensure the direct mail budget is maximized.
Sidewalk Signs
On-premise sidewalk signs such as A-frame signs, those with fillable bases or other outdoor signs on stands provide great exposure to existing tenants and prospective tenants visiting the property.
Existing tenants are great sources of referral traffic for getting new tenants into your space, so it only makes sense to promote vacancies, attract new residents, promotions or referral bonuses to them.
Promote your amenities, events, specials or other significant information by using sidewalk signs. This will encourage and motivate prospective tenants to visit the property, schedule a tour and sign those leasing agreements! Jackpot – – – another vacancy filled!
If you employ these real estate marketing tactics, you’re guaranteed to increase the visibility of your property and get those vacancies filled quicker than ever!
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