When it comes to the uses of QR codes, some of the most obvious benefits include providing customers a simple way to reduce consumer journey steps and bringing potential customers to the exact place you want them to visit online. The online destination could be a website, a promotion landing page, or a page where […]
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As the New Year is about to begin, there is a good chance that you will have a trade show on the calendar. It might be your first trade show ever or you might be experienced at setting up trade show booth displays that get you noticed. No matter your level of experience, your goal […]
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Putting together a nonprofit marketing toolkit is sometimes a complicated task as there are multiple options to consider. For example, different not-for-profit marketing materials need to be designed and printed as your marketing materials will be used in a variety of venues including in-person events and educational and mail campaigns. Making sure you have the […]
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The current year is almost over which means it is time to look at the latest trends in package design in order to make some informed predictions as to future product packaging design trends in the coming year. After another difficult year for businesses thanks to the pandemic and rising inflation, it has become evident […]
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